Review: One Foot in the Grave (Night Huntress #2) by Jeaniene Frost, Tavia Gilbert (Narrator)

This series gets better the second time round. Cat and Bones are one of my favorite couples.
What I liked: Bones and Cat's separation was short lived. Thank goodness. Apart they are interesting, together they are unforgettable. I really liked that Ms Frost did not drag out the drama of their reunion. Instead, she made the book about the story. The drama did not interfere with the characters, it enhanced. In addition to remembering how much I disliked Cat's Mum, I now remember my dislike of Tate. I just wanted to beat the crap out of him most of the time.
Again, I didn't remember how young Cat was. For her age and due to her Mom and her experiences, she comes across as much older. Bones, of course, is only the person Bones can be. Hot, snarky, smart and totally in love.
So many secrets are revealed in One Foot in the Grave that it's very hard to say anything about the story. What I can say is that it is masterfully written. The characters leap off the pages and cause the reader to have very strong reactions. Even this second time through, I did not want to stop reading.
What I didn't like: In my review of the audio of Halfway to the Grave, I mentioned the narrator had chosen and odd voice for Bones. I thought I understood it and dealt with it. In this installment, it did get on my nerves a bit more but the story over rode the voice.
The pricing for this book is good for the reader. The Kindle edition is $3.79 and the paperback $7.19.
Highly recommend!!