Review: The Fixer: A Justice Novel (Mort Grant #1) by T.E. Woods - Released 4 February 2014

The Fixer: A Justice Novel - T.E. Woods

The Fixer appears to be a re-release as there are previous editions.  (The Fixer was received from NetGalley for a fair and honest review)

What I liked:  I enjoyed the characters in The Fixer very much.  Ms Woods was extremely good at making them feel real to the reader.  Their emotions became my emotions.  While the premise for the storyline has often been used, the execution of story is one of the better ones.  

Since this is book one in a series, I feel the author did a good job in making me want to read more.  I came to care not only about Mort but some of the secondary characters as well.  I'm wondering if Ms Woods will revisit Lydia's character.  I truly liked her.  

I really enjoyed that the characters drove this novel and not the mystery.  The mystery part was secondary to me and I figured it out pretty quickly but "knowing" that part, didn't make me want to put the book down.  I wanted to see what each character would do.

What I didn't like:  For me, this was not a problem but some might find the pacing a bit off.  I thought it flowed well and even though I didn't find it riveting, it held my attention.

Some of the early reviews on The Fixer seem to be from an earlier edition.  I did not find the same issues the earlier reviewers mentioned.

I feel The Fixer is very reasonably priced at $2.99 (Kindle edition)

